Monday, March 8, 2021

Adaptive Is Messy & We Are Stronger Together

On March 8, 2020, the first COVID-19 case in Iowa was announced to the public. A lot has happened since that date. And we are still responding at work and at home to the challenges that COVID-19 has created.

During recent executive coaching sessions, we have been discussing the various lessons learned during the past 12 months. When I am asked what I have learned, I have always started by sharing the following: adaptive is messy and we are stronger together.

As the news and impact of COVID began to be felt last March, we responded by going into emergency operations mode. People came together and figured out how to deal with multiple technical problems and some adaptive challenges so they could continue to meet the changing needs of their customers, and the changing needs of their employees. There was strong teamwork and collaboration. 

However, as the spring unfolded and we had stabilized day to day operations, more and more people in leadership positions began to realize that this global pandemic could last 12 - 18 months in length. We were going to be in it for the long haul.

This realization was when we entered the adaptive stage of COVID. Here, the problems were not technical as much as on-going adaptive challenges. They required all of us to reframe what was happening and come up with new solutions. In simple terms, our business models were changing and we needed to get out in front of those changes lest the organization decline.

Here is where the messy part surfaced big time. Some of the problems required us to learn more, and often, in this learning, fundamental assumptions and beliefs about how to do business were called into questions. People had to change the way they worked and embrace new habits and often new technologies. In short, we had to think differently which is not something most of us try to do on a regular basis. It is just too much work and it ends up being messy before it becomes clear.

The other thing that started to surface during this time period was that dysfunctional teams became more dysfunctional after the emergency period and healthy teams became even more functional over time.  When I listened to leaders talk to me about teamwork during this time period, the leaders who were successful always had one clear: “We are stronger when we work together.” Over time, this message became condensed into “we are stronger together.” I believe this is a powerful message and that it made a big difference.

When we look forward to the next 12 - 18 months and the gradual ending of the global pandemic plus the return to something which will be “normal”, I think we will need to continue reminding people and ourselves that adaptive challenges will continue to show up at work and at home. And they will continue to be messy. Furthermore, we need to continue reminding ourselves and others that we are stronger when we work together. 

As our hopes and joys rise with the return of spring, let us make time as individuals and families, teams and companies, to reflect on the lessons learned, Let us mourn those who we have lost to COVID, celebrate the children born during COVID, and count our blessings that we have made it this far in the midst of a global pandemic. Remember we can and we will make it through these challenging days.

Geery Howe, M.A. Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer in Leadership, Strategic Planning and Organizational Change Morning Star Associates 319 - 643 - 2257

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