Monday, November 10, 2014

A Little Secret

I want to let you in on a little secret. The future is unknowable and the future is also uncontrollable. Furthermore, the future is filled with paradoxes, mysteries and confusion.

And at the exact same time, we live in an imperfect world. As leaders, our schedules for the day will get interrupted. Our work will get side lined with “Oh, by the way...” comments. Our well organized projects will get reorganized by factors over which we have no control. And we will get frustrated and angry by the craziness around us.

In truth, the future and the present are always scary on one level. So given this little secret, what do we do?

We try and protect ourselves from this imperfection. We prepare for it. We fear it. We search for predictability, explanations and answers. We search for order so we can have a sense of peace and a sense of control. 

We want to feel order. We want to feel valued. We want to feel certain. We do not want to feel alone with the unknowable and uncontrollable future. In short, we want perfection.

Surprisingly, people who find and maintain balance in their work and in their personal life have discovered something other than perfection. It is through shared connections and shared knowing that they can handle the now and the future. That’s what we have been doing all these years at the Spring and Fall From Vision to Action Executive Roundtables, and in the From Vision to Action Leadership Training. We have been building shared connections and shared knowing. 

It is pretty amazing that with shared connections and shared knowing, we can find balance in an unbalanced world.

Geery Howe, M.A. Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer in Leadership, Strategic Planning and Organizational Change Morning Star Associates 319 - 643 - 2257

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