Monday, February 6, 2023

Find Your Source Of Strength

Every Friday morning, from 1981 until his death in October 1992, “Red” Barber would talk with Bob Edwards, the host of National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, about sports and other topics, including the flora around his home. Walter Lanier “Red” Barber was an American sports announcer who called the play-by-play across four decades with the Cincinnati Reds, Brooklyn Dodgers, and New York Yankees.

It was during one of his last interviews with Bob Edwards when he shared that just before he started calling the play-by-play for a game, he would pause, bow his head, and repeat Psalm 19:14: “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.” 

On that particular Friday morning, I was driving to a place where I would present a six hour workshop. When I heard Barber share that he did this every time over the course of four decades, I realized the power of his choice. He started his work day with a quiet prayer, recognizing the source of his speaking and the transformational power and strength within it. It just made sense to me on so many levels. So, I did it that morning and have done it ever since.

For me, beginning this work with a quiet, affirmative prayer is an act of centering and grounding. It is the realization that I am the channel, not the source. It is an understanding that I am following, not leading. It is a recognition that this path is the right path because it has heart and it is connected to that which is greater than me. I am humbled by this understanding and grateful for it. 

Geery Howe, M.A. Executive Coach in Leadership, Strategic Planning, and Organizational Change Morning Star Associates 319 - 643 - 2257

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