Monday, July 11, 2022

Make And Keep Your Commitments

People who conduct themselves with the utmost integrity make commitments and keep their commitments. It is matter of honor, courage, and personal integrity for them. 

They are proud of their commitments. They are humbled by their commitments. They understand the burden of their commitments. Yet, they would commit all over again to those things and people they are committed to if they had to start fresh.

In particular, they commit to people, a cause or a mission because it aligns with their personal core values. This is something I have learned after 36 years of helping people and organizations find, create and share their organizational core values. I have learned that personal core values always precede organizational core values. And people always commit to people based on how that person they are committing to role models their own integrity,

Finally, we can see another person’s commitments by how they conduct themselves with others and in how they face adversity. Those who are committed always role model these commitments in all they do. Their actions and their words matter to them. They embody the highest standards of personal and professional behavior. They expect others to do likewise.

This week, make time to think through what are your commitments. It is one step to becoming a person who conducts themselves with the utmost integrity. Remember: inner clarity always precedes outer actions. Be clear and be grounded in your commitments. 

Geery Howe, M.A. Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer in Leadership, Strategic Planning and Organizational Change Morning Star Associates 319 - 643 - 2257

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