Monday, August 12, 2019

The moment of truth is a moment of decision.

Every day, people make decisions. Customers choose products. Clients choose services. 

Meanwhile, employees can choose to follow the rules or to bend them. Senior executives can choose to define the organization’s culture through clarity and accountability, or to let it be defined by lack of attention. Managers and front line supervisors can choose to focus on quality and service, or simply to focus on control. Every day there are choices and decisions to be made.

Our challenge as leaders is to make sure the moment of truth, the time when the goods and/or services of the company are delivered, to be one based on a thoughtful and proactive decision rather than a reactive response. 

Given the challenges within society and the economy at this time period, we as leaders need to start talking and exploring again the subject of decision-making in greater depth. We need to help people utilize the strategic nexus, i.e. the sum of the mission, vision and core values in combination with their clarity about the strategy and strategic direction of the company, as a vital part of decision-making. All involved need to reference this framework and make sure they are making the right decisions for the right reasons. 

However, in the rush to get more and more things done in shorter and shorter time frames, most people make reactive decisions rather than thoughtful decisions. They do not grasp that the choices we make today create the future we will have tomorrow.

This week, sit down with your team and discuss how people can make the right decisions at the right time and with the right information. We can not afford to be getting sloppy around the moment of truth.

Geery Howe, M.A. Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer in Leadership, Strategic Planning and Organizational Change Morning Star Associates 319 - 643 - 2257

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