Monday, August 12, 2024

Birds and Ornithologists, Companies and Consultants

Not too long ago, I read the following by the poet Mark Nepo: “Birds don’t need ornithologists to fly.” I paused after reading this, and realized that he had made an important point about birds, ornithologists, and flight. I also realized that he had made an important point about companies and consultants. 

Companies don’t need consultants in order to create change, serve the customer better, or to be successful. I know this is a shocking statement from someone who spent his career as a consultant. Still, the point is valid. 

In simple terms, birds fly because they are born to fly. Similarly, successful companies are successful, because they are hardwired to constantly evolve in order to meet the changing needs of their customers. They also evolve in order to meet the changing needs of their employees. Metaphorically speaking, these companies, and the people who work there, fly because they are born to fly. 

Still, ornithologists can help us understand why birds do what birds do. And consultants can help leaders and companies understand why certain things work and don’t work. Consultants can also help leaders understand why people behave in certain ways in the midst of change. 

But, in the end, consultants do not make change happen any more than ornithologists make birds fly. They can be helpful, but are not necessary. 

This week, I encourage you to sit outside and watch the birds fly. They are born to do this, and they love to do this. Then, ask yourself the following two questions: 

- Am I doing what I love to do? 

- Am I flying? 

The answers will be revealing and helpful as you plan out the rest of this year. 

Geery Howe, M.A. Executive Coach in Leadership, Strategic Planning, and Organizational Change

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