Many years ago, I was speaking at a nursing conference in southwest Iowa, and I had the chance to listen to another presenter. As he wrapped up his talk, he shared some farm wisdom: “You can export what you don’t grow at home.” We all nodded because it was one of those truths that cuts through all the junk in life and makes sense the minute you hear it.
I have spent many hours pondering that bit of farm wisdom, exploring all the different levels of life to which it applies. I often end up thinking of this bit of farm wisdom that was shared with me when I was a much younger man, namely “What you feed, grows.” This morning, I also am reminded of the Biblical quote, “As you sew, so shall you reap.”
All of these short sentences have the potential to be guiding principals if an individual is willing to commit to them. This is the challenge of people, be they in a leadership position or working on their personal and family level journeys. Guiding principals are only guiding principals if we are willing to commit to them. Otherwise, they are just a series of short phrases that make sense and are quickly forgotten in the rush to get more things checked off on the ever growing To Do List.
As the late Stephen R. Covey wrote, “The only thing that endures over time is the law of the farm. According to natural laws and principles, I must prepare the ground, put in the seed, cultivate, weed, and water if I expect to reap a harvest. So also in marriage, or helping a teenager through a difficult identity crisis - there is no quick fix, instantaneous success formula where you can just move in by getting psyched up at some positive mental attitude rally with a bunch of new success formulas. The law of the harvest governs.”
When I look out our kitchen window and see fields of corn stubble, I know that farm families will soon be getting all of their equipment ready for spring planting. The seed has been ordered and the machinery is getting fixed. Soon, they will all be out in the fields preparing the soil. Then, planting will follow. And it all starts with a commitment.
This week, reflect on the above farm wisdom and ask yourself a simple but powerful question: Am I willing to commit to the law of the farm? The answer will help on so many levels of life.
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