Monday, July 29, 2024

Leading With A Good Heart

Parker Palmer in his book, A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life, reminds us that many years ago, at the first sign of a blizzard on the Great Plains, farmers would run a rope from the back door to the barn. They did this because they all knew stories of someone who had wandered off and been frozen to death, having lost sight of home in a whiteout while still in their own backyard.

Today, we live in a blizzard of another sort. The degree of anxiety and frustration within the home and the workplace is overwhelming. People are feeling lost and wondering what to do next given the current economy and the current state of world affairs. 

In 2010, Dave and Wendy Ulrich in their book, The Why of Work, wrote, “As the economic recovery slowly takes place, many employees are experiencing an emotional recession -- because they have not found sufficient meaning in their work lives, a condition that reduces productivity and commitment.” Reading these words 14 years later, their observation seems like it was written just yesterday. One could replace the words “emotional recession” with the words “emotional recovery from a global pandemic” and find the meaning is the same. 

From my current work with leaders, I see this blizzard and this emotional recession taking a huge toll. Over and over, I listen to good people, who are living a life which is compartmentalized and divided. They find little soul, spirit, and passion in their every day lives. Recently, I listened to an older executive complain about how his company was setting strategy without including the people who worked directly with the customer. In the midst of this absurdity, he yearned to return to a time period in his life where his work was meaningful and actually made a difference.

As leaders, we need to reclaim our work and our ability to lead with a good heart. We need to become leaders who are less fragmented and more whole. We also need to rediscover wholeness in the midst of these challenging times.

The first step in this journey back to wholeness begins when we reclaim being architects of meaning. We need to remind others that it is okay to love what you do, and it is okay to grieve through the difficulties of organizational change. Furthermore, it is okay to be passionate about projects or the mission of the organization. Finally, we need to tell people that it is okay to be tough, but loving.

Many years ago, I listened to a CEO tell his team that a leader needs to be both a builder and a destroyer. They need to support the people and build the infrastructure for the present and the future, as well as become a destroyer of the dysfunctional parts of the organization. He further noted that at the foundation of all this work is the need to have a healthy core, encompassing a sound mission, vision, and core values plus a well-written and adaptable strategic plan. With these tools in place and the right people on the team, an organization can move forward in the midst of its challenges.

We all know that the effectiveness of a leader is dependent on three things working together. First, we need the enthusiasm and dedication of our people. Second, we need good plans and intelligent strategy that are supported and acted on by all involved. Third, we need people who can work together as a team. 

Whenever we prepare for change, we must remember that there will be more blizzards and emotionally challenging times in the future. Therefore, we need to make sure there is a rope from the back door to the barn. Leading with a good heart and a sound plan is a powerful first step in the journey.  

© Geery Howe 2024

Geery Howe, M.A. Executive Coach in Leadership, Strategic Planning, and Organizational Change

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