“What we fear in the world is not the evil in it, nor even the evil in ourselves; far more fearful is the good in ourselves, that good being so demanding that we are scared to dare our full capacity. We are afraid of our potential vulnerability. We very often forget that if our being is right, our doing will take care of itself. It is always easier to pull in our horns; to play it safe. In other words, not to climb out on a limb. It is always easier to stay where we are, to bury ourselves in our ongoing lives. We know better, but we forget to remember that life needs to expand over and over.” - Elaine Brown, Alumni Lecture, May 13, 1988, Westminster Choir College
During the coming year, there will be challenges. We will be stretched and we will be overwhelmed. We will struggle around how to proceed.
And during this coming year, we also will witness the good in people. They will surprise and delight us. They will go out on a limb and support others in marvelous ways.
Each new year is an opportunity to focus on the good in ourselves and others. If we take care of our being, then our doing will come from a clear and centered place.
This coming year is a time for all of us to expand and embrace the good and potential in all things around us. We can transform the world by transforming ourselves and our relationships with others.
I look forward to the coming new year and the opportunities we will have to make our families, our communities and our workplaces better places.
Be well, be safe, and be strong. Better days are ahead.