In her delightful book called Dare To Lead: Brave Work, Tough Conversations, Whole Hearts (Random House, 2018), Brene’ Brown asked a marvelous question: “What does “done” look like?” It is my new, most favorite question.
When helping people and organizations plan for the future so they can become more nimble, flexible and agile, I now ask them similar questions. In particular, if they are seeking to unify quality, empowerment and principle-centered leadership, I want them to describe the vision they are seeking. Here are those questions:
When it is done well, what will it look like?
When you fulfill your new strategic plan, what outcomes will be the new normal?
When you and your team execute consistently over time, what will happen inside the organization and to your relationship with your clients or customers?
As we know, some people will set the bench mark by which all others will measure their performance. Others will follow the bench mark. The ones who set the mark always have a clear vision of how good they could be and are consistently working towards this mark. For them, the answers to the above questions are not a wish list but instead a concrete description of how well their company can serve its customers and its staff.
This week, set down and figure out what done looks like. Then do the exact same exercise with your team. The process will be empowering for you and an extremely insightful exercise with your team.